Rolfing® Iowa

About Fascia


Fascia is the tissue located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone, and forms a seamless web that covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal structures in our body. The fascia is responsible for maintaining our body's structural integrity, supporting our posture, and acting as a shock absorber.   

Myofascial refers collectively to the tissue and the muscle. Together, the muscle and fascia form the myofascial system. The myofascial system is a totally unified structure that is present throughout your body without any interruption. Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy in Rolfing® that works on the fascial system to provide pain relief, increase your range of motion and balance your body for optimum posture.

Injuries, stress, inflammation, trauma, scoliosis, lordosis or poor posture can injure or restrict the fascia, causing a myriad of problems that lead many to Structural Integration. The goal of Structural Integration is to alleviate fascia restriction and restore its cohesion. Physical trauma causes a thickening, shortening, and scarring of the fascia. Flexibility and mobility are lost. An ankle sprain can cause a person to favor the uninjured side. More of the bodyweight is shifted to the uninjured leg and the pelvis, spine, and neck and head shift to compensate. The compensatory postural change is maintained while the ankle heals. During this time a new modified movement pattern is created and maintained by the fascia. The pattern continues on often after the ankle heals and the person feels insecure in giving weight back into the ankle that has healed and then the person has to learn to re pattern their movement again which is facilitated by the Rolfing® Structural Integration work.

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