Rolfing® Iowa


Combating Computer Fatigue


Sitting in front of your computer during much of your workday can have undesirable effects on your posture. Rolfing® Structural Integration can provide intelligent bodywork to both lessen the effects of this type of strain and give you a frame of reference going forward. Your Rolfing® session will increase body awareness skills to help your structure through better alignment. A lot of discussion about posture involves standing or moving where gravity is either supporting or tearing you down; in effect, the same would be true for sitting as we shape our bodies through what we do. Here are some animated before and after pictures of my client from a single session. Her day job involves sitting in front of a computer during much of the workday. You can notice in the after picture she has more lift and a more natural anterior tilt in the pelvis as well a better positioned head on her shoulder girdle, reducing the muscle strain in her neck.

01/11/2014 5:09 PM
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