Rolfing® Iowa


Forward Head Position


In this before and after picture from a single Rolfing® session you can see my client’s head position shift back to a better alignment on top of his shoulder girdle. For every inch forward in head posture a general formula is that it creates an additional 10 pounds of pressure on the spine, so it is not uncommon for the head in effect to leverage twice its weight or more on the cervical spine. His lateral line improves markedly as his head comes back to a better position. A forward head profile can result in loss of lung capacity with its effect on inhibiting the lifting of the first rib in inhalation. It can also cause premature aging of the intervertebral joints causing degenerative joint disease. Changing the tone in his upper trapezius and levator muscles allow space for his head to come back posteriorly. Rolfing® helps clients to pay attention to what they are doing with their body outside of a session to give them the tools in the integration process.


12/19/2019 12:54 AM
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